
It's Been a bit...Let's Catch Up

  Hello! I know I went missing since September and I wanted to be transparent as to why. Long story short, I got burnt out.  I needed some time to regroup my thoughts and figure out my "why" again, which I absolutely have. Now, what has happened since I last posted? A lot actually. For starters, I competed in Miss ICT and that was a new experience for me. I had never competed in the Miss USA system, and I jumped head first into it. Luckily I did, because I received second runner up to the big title and had the fire lit under me again for competing in pageants.  My family is also getting a puppy tomorrow, as of the time I am writing this! It has been officially over a year since we have had a pup running around the house, and I am so excited to finally have a little dude back into my life. I can't wait to share him with you all! Finally, here's a big one. Let me take a minute to reintroduce myself--I am Miranda Smith and I am so honored to be Miss Walnut Valley! I have

Appreciating Trials along with Success

  Yes, you read the title of this post correctly. Someone once told me that in order to truly understand and accept success with a grateful heart, one must go through trials in order to obtain it. I have been changing the vocabulary that I use when describing this, because what was originally said to me had the word "failure" in it.  I believe that we don't fail--we learn. I have been instilling that in the lives of the kids I teach, alongside reintroducing this into my life. I have gotten in the habit of saying that I "failed" when things don't pan out the way I want them to. I had an instance like this recently. I competed in the first local of the Miss Kansas 2023 season and walked away without a title. It wasn't the outcome I wanted. I would've loved to have told people that I was going back to Miss Kansas, but it wasn't in the cards for me at this point in time. I was fine for the time being, but the following evening, that is when the tears

2022-2023 School Year's about that time that students go back to school for another school year. I know that the reactions can be varied. From being excited to absolutely dreading going back. Whatever the reaction is, school is something that exists. Where am I personally mentally going into this school year? A part of me is ready while another part is not too happy about college starting back up.  For those with elementary, middle, or high school students (or if you are a high school student), support your kids. They could be going through a lot with their schoolwork, and depending on the classes they are taking, it can be overwhelming. Let them know that it is okay to ask for help when they need it. Normalize asking for it. I know from personal experience that it breaks some mental hurdles that I had.  For my high schoolers. I know that high school can seem extremely scary when you are a incoming freshman. I was there. The best advice I can give is to become involved. You will meet incredi

My Mental Health Journey

This will be hard for me to post, but I believe that it is important to know that we all have our struggles with life. I promised myself that I would be transparent, and I am here to do just that.  Here's what someone struggling with mental health can look like: It can look ugly and pretty. Sometimes even both.  Let's start where I started to spiral hard. That would be 6th grade.  Wide-eyed Miranda started her middle school experience pretty rough. Someone I trusted started a text thread spreading horrific rumors about me. I long story short, I was being painted as a girl who was looking for physical relationships when I was terrified of having a normal relationship with a guy.  I did not go to school for a week to escape the torture of being ostracized and losing more friends daily. At the time, I was unaware how to stand up for myself, so I bottled up my emotions--which would not be a good idea. There were several days where I would collapse to the floor when I got home from

The Importance of Outlets

  I want you to think of the last time that you experienced hardship. It may have been a while ago, or it may have been today.  I know that some people are the type to talk about what is troubling them, while others would rather ignore it. I tend to find something that I enjoy to have any emotion that could affect me communicating my feelings effectively.  This is an outlet.  A recent outlet of mine is dance.  I am a dance teacher and the passion for dance reignited itself into my life. I have seen my students relax after being in my class and have had several come to talk to me about topics that would not have presented themselves without dance being there to break that barrier. It is truly incredible being able to witness how youth can start articulating their emotions after having an outlet to channel their thoughts into. This is why I created Dance to Survive. I want to give others a way to help navigate their thoughts and feelings into something so they can talk to others with a m

Stagnant vs Growth

  Growth (grōth). Noun. The process of growing. Stagnant (stăg'nənt). Adjective.  Not growing or changing; without force or vitality. Let's face it. The pain that comes with growing is uncomfortable. I challenge you though to think of this though, doesn't the pain that comes with remaining stagnant hurt worse than growth? Growth is uncomfortable, yes. However, it allows you to become a stronger individual. Remaining the same hinders your chances of becoming the best version of yourself.  The people who are widely successful in our society, whether it be of successful business ventures, celebrities, or mentors have had to step outside of their comfort zone at some point. Right? Life is too short to not take risks. Now, I am not telling you to do something that could harm you, but I am saying that there's opportunities laying all around you. It is up to you though to do something with it.  I have said to my peers and my family this several times, and I'll say it to yo

A Letter to My Younger Self

 Dear little Miranda (to anyone reading this, insert your name here as well), You don't need to prove yourself to anyone but yourself. I know this will be hard for you to fathom, but promise me it will only lead you to heartache in the long run. You are worth your weight in gold and then some and do not let ANYONE tell you otherwise. You are enough just by showing up and being present in the moment. You were worth it from the day you took in your first breath. You are deserving of love. Since the day you were brought into this world. If people don't love you for who you are, that doesn't make you unlovable. They just didn't know how to do that and that's their issue not yours. All that matters is that you love yourself. You need to forgive yourself for all the horrific life experiences that have been placed upon you. You are destined to be great. Do not let anyone diminish your sparkle. Be authentic. Be true to yourself. Be kind. Those that will be cruel will do so.