It's Been a bit...Let's Catch Up



I know I went missing since September and I wanted to be transparent as to why.

Long story short, I got burnt out. 

I needed some time to regroup my thoughts and figure out my "why" again, which I absolutely have. Now, what has happened since I last posted? A lot actually.

For starters, I competed in Miss ICT and that was a new experience for me. I had never competed in the Miss USA system, and I jumped head first into it. Luckily I did, because I received second runner up to the big title and had the fire lit under me again for competing in pageants. 

My family is also getting a puppy tomorrow, as of the time I am writing this! It has been officially over a year since we have had a pup running around the house, and I am so excited to finally have a little dude back into my life. I can't wait to share him with you all!

Finally, here's a big one. Let me take a minute to reintroduce myself--I am Miranda Smith and I am so honored to be Miss Walnut Valley! I have the privilege to return to the Miss Kansas stage this June to compete for the job and title of Miss Kansas while using Dance to Survive as my Community Service Initiative! 

Now, what does this mean for this blog and all my socials? Absolutely everything! I am planning on doing little segments that teach basic dance steps while implementing positive affirmations! I am also planning on describing how dance, and many other outlets, help alleviate life's many stressors in life. I am extremely excited for this, and I can't wait to share them with you all!

Thank you for being patient with me as I have been navigating my mental health break as I figured out my "why" again. It means more to me than you'll ever know.

All my love, 

Miss Walnut Valley - Miranda Smith


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