Stagnant vs Growth


Growth (grōth). Noun.

The process of growing.

Stagnant (stăg'nənt). Adjective. 

Not growing or changing; without force or vitality.

Let's face it. The pain that comes with growing is uncomfortable.

I challenge you though to think of this though, doesn't the pain that comes with remaining stagnant hurt worse than growth?

Growth is uncomfortable, yes. However, it allows you to become a stronger individual. Remaining the same hinders your chances of becoming the best version of yourself. 

The people who are widely successful in our society, whether it be of successful business ventures, celebrities, or mentors have had to step outside of their comfort zone at some point. Right?

Life is too short to not take risks. Now, I am not telling you to do something that could harm you, but I am saying that there's opportunities laying all around you. It is up to you though to do something with it. 

I have said to my peers and my family this several times, and I'll say it to you as well. 

I'd rather experience the discomfort of growth and learn something from it than be stagnant in something that I already know and hurt myself far worse. 

Let that sink in for a bit. 

What I challenge you to do is to get outside of your comfort zone, even just a small amount the rest of this week. It will be uncomfortable, maybe even painful. That is life though. Life isn't meant to be easy, and if it is, you aren't doing yourself any favors. 

Relating this to me, I have gotten way out of my comfort zone by being on my high school's cheer team, choir group, and now doing pageants in the Miss America Organization. The growth though I have experienced in my personal and professional life though is unmatched. 

I leave you with this question. Would you rather have a slight discomfort and gain something from it or be stuck and in constant pain?

The decision is yours and yours to make. 


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