
Showing posts from June, 2022

The Importance of Outlets

  I want you to think of the last time that you experienced hardship. It may have been a while ago, or it may have been today.  I know that some people are the type to talk about what is troubling them, while others would rather ignore it. I tend to find something that I enjoy to have any emotion that could affect me communicating my feelings effectively.  This is an outlet.  A recent outlet of mine is dance.  I am a dance teacher and the passion for dance reignited itself into my life. I have seen my students relax after being in my class and have had several come to talk to me about topics that would not have presented themselves without dance being there to break that barrier. It is truly incredible being able to witness how youth can start articulating their emotions after having an outlet to channel their thoughts into. This is why I created Dance to Survive. I want to give others a way to help navigate their thoughts and feelings into something so they can talk to others with a m

Stagnant vs Growth

  Growth (grōth). Noun. The process of growing. Stagnant (stăg'nənt). Adjective.  Not growing or changing; without force or vitality. Let's face it. The pain that comes with growing is uncomfortable. I challenge you though to think of this though, doesn't the pain that comes with remaining stagnant hurt worse than growth? Growth is uncomfortable, yes. However, it allows you to become a stronger individual. Remaining the same hinders your chances of becoming the best version of yourself.  The people who are widely successful in our society, whether it be of successful business ventures, celebrities, or mentors have had to step outside of their comfort zone at some point. Right? Life is too short to not take risks. Now, I am not telling you to do something that could harm you, but I am saying that there's opportunities laying all around you. It is up to you though to do something with it.  I have said to my peers and my family this several times, and I'll say it to yo

A Letter to My Younger Self

 Dear little Miranda (to anyone reading this, insert your name here as well), You don't need to prove yourself to anyone but yourself. I know this will be hard for you to fathom, but promise me it will only lead you to heartache in the long run. You are worth your weight in gold and then some and do not let ANYONE tell you otherwise. You are enough just by showing up and being present in the moment. You were worth it from the day you took in your first breath. You are deserving of love. Since the day you were brought into this world. If people don't love you for who you are, that doesn't make you unlovable. They just didn't know how to do that and that's their issue not yours. All that matters is that you love yourself. You need to forgive yourself for all the horrific life experiences that have been placed upon you. You are destined to be great. Do not let anyone diminish your sparkle. Be authentic. Be true to yourself. Be kind. Those that will be cruel will do so.

Miss Kansas 2022 Experience

 Let's talk Miss Kansas. It is a state preliminary to get the title and job of Miss Kansas to go on to compete for the title and job of Miss America. It is a group of elite young women who uplift each other.  Now you may be wondering how I got involved with this organization. It was all thanks to my teammates who were either still in or have been a part of the organization when I was on the Wichita Force Dance Team. I won't go into much detail about the Wichita Force, due to their reputation not being the best, but at that time being on that team really pulled me out of a rut I was in.  I went through a rough break up with my first love in January of 2021. It was horrific to experience. I felt used, disgusted, and I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror due to what had transpired. This was one of my experiences that led me down some dark thoughts. Long story short, all the blame was placed on me due to his family taking his side because I am a woman and in his religion


  Welcome to Dance to Survive! My name is Miranda Smith and this is my project/organization that I have created to promote my social impact initiative for the Miss America Organization. Now why did I pick this as my initiative? Mental health is more prevalent than ever due to the ever growing aspects of social media and comparative culture. As a dancer, I know that dance is a way for me to release all my negative emotions into something that is beautiful. I also have seen through my job as a dance teacher that dance can open doors to conversations that would not happen otherwise. This is why I created Dance to Survive.  I struggled with suicidal thoughts and ideologies twice in my life, and I want people to know that this doesn't define them and that they are not crazy. I'm using this project as a way to connect with others on a deeper level and to show that there are healthy ways to cope with negative thoughts. If it isn't dance, then it can be art, music, poetry, you nam